Saturday, January 26, 2008

Monster Truck Rally

This is a conversation that Viv and Dave had on their way home from school Thursday:

V-We went to Waco today on a school bus for a Monster Truck Rally
D-At school? Had you learned something about it?
V-We were all good so Mr. Cruz took us to Waco to see it
V-On a bus, they had pink for girls and a dragon one for the boys
D-Did you sign something for V to go to the Monster Truck Rally today in Waco?
S-Ask her if you should call Mr. Cruz
D-Mommy asked if we should call Mr. Cruz....
V-I was just playing

S-So, Mr. Cruz I hear you took the kids to Waco for a Monster Truck Rally
Mr. C-No, they came to us, it was a Make a Wish Foundation

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