Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 8

This week has not been great as far as school, Dave called Tuesday to tell me Vivi gave someone "the finger", what bothers me the most is she did it correctly and on purpose. BTW, she picked it up at school not home if you seem confused.


kacole said...

Oh SURE she picked it up at school! I have a hard time picturing her cute little self flipping someone off. You have your hands full with that one!

ShelleyRo said...

Well, you know if she picked it up at home then she would have taken all involved down with her.

joyfuljourney said...

Her namesake sure thinks this story is FUNNY!! But, I'm guessing you really don't.

ShelleyRo said...

No, not really.
The other day she told Dave, "I had a great day at school, I didn't use my middle finger or nothing"

Kelly said...

ok! The older brothers BJ, TJ and younger brother AJ have decided that it's time they came and get her. LOL She is learning too many bad things so they said that it's time they step in. Oh they will take jack too so that he can learn to get along with her as they have each other. LOL
Sorry this is really funny though.

ShelleyRo said...

Glad they are still looking out for her. Could they potty train Jack?