Sunday, October 28, 2007

Potty Training

Jack-Jack has a new stance for going potty, he puts his foot on the potty as he sprays not only the wall but all around. He almost looks like he has discovered new land because he has one hand pulled behind his head. He poses almost like a Greek god, "The Jack".
Little boys are so frustrating to potty train, by this stage I didn't even have to buy pull-ups for Vivi because she was begging me to let her sleep in her panties and hardly ever had an accident, never at night. Jack will wear his underwear wet and not care.
We are also having trouble with him biting again, 3 days in a row he bit the same little girl. I went in to pick him up on Thursday to find that he had gotten in trouble again.
M- Jack, did you get in trouble today?
J- I no bite Delaney, Mommy, I push Sunny, can I have my sticker?


kacole said...

Take all of his stickers away...that should get his attention!

ShelleyRo said...

the boy is as bad about hiding stickers as his sister is about hiding candy. He is a "sticker ho"!!!!!